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Popular Executive Health Screening Programmes

More so than ever before, organisations are placing a huge emphasis on employee health and wellbeing. There are several reasons why all business owners should prioritise employee wellness, from reducing sickness and absences to improving productivity and morale, and having suitable health and wellbeing programmes in place is highly recommended.

Whilst there are lots of different ways you can support employee wellness, arranging executive health screening is arguably one of the most beneficial. In addition to common wellbeing programmes like providing your team with free gym memberships and offering them counselling sessions, health screening is a brilliant investment. There are so many profiles available for health screening programmes now too, so it is easy to find a solution that is suitable for your team. Below we have explored some of the most common profiles in more detail.

What is executive health screening?

Executive health screening is the process of carrying out a range of basic medical screenings, such as; blood pressure tests, BMI checks and cholesterol tests. Organisations from various industry sectors offer regular health screening to their employees with the hope of detecting illnesses in the early stages. This will make the illnesses easier to treat and help to prevent them from having a significant impact on an employee’s life.

There are a multitude of benefits to executive health screening for both employees and business owners alike. The early diagnosis of an illness or medical condition during a general health check can reduce the likelihood of employees becoming seriously ill and this is something they will be very thankful for. In addition to improving employee morale, executive health screening can help to prevent absences due to illness and, in turn, disruption to daily operations. Ultimately, when your whole team is healthy and performing to the best of their ability, your organisation will reap the benefits.

What health screening profiles are available?

Often, many business owners will opt for a full executive screen when designing their health screening programmes and this involves a physical examination and a full range of blood tests. However, there are lots of other options available that may be more suitable for your team of employees. Some of the most popular screening profiles available include;

  • Cardiovascular risk profile - checking blood pressure, cholesterol and BMI

  • Diabetes risk profile - conducting glucose or HBA1c tests and checking BMI

  • Cardiac risk profile - carrying out an ECG and clinical examination

  • Skin cancer check - conducting a risk profile and dermoscopic mole exam

  • Sexually Transmitted Illness testing - testing for a range of STIs

  • Vision screening - checking VDU/Near/Far acuity and colour perception

If none of these health screening profiles meet your business needs, bespoke screening services are also available for your health screening programme. At Precision Health, we can work with you to develop a custom screening solution that suits the culture and demographic of your team. When doing so, we will take into consideration things such as the health risk profile of your business population and the risk factors associated with day-to-day operations, ensuring that the final programme meets all of your requirements.

Arranging executive health screening in Ireland

Should you be interested in executive health screening in Ireland, please contact our specialist team at Precision Health today. We partner with a diverse range of leading companies to deliver innovative and effective workplace health and wellbeing services. Since 2014, we have been working closely with organisations to create thriving workplaces and our health screening services can help you to look after your employees. If you have any questions about executive health screening in Ireland, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us, we will be happy to provide you with the additional information you require. We look forward to working with you.


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